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Nicki's Equator Decaf Story

Born & raised in Marin, Nicki Clark is the owner and lead instructor at Marin Outdoor Adventure: a surfer, coach, and proud member of our Tiger Collective! This week, she was kind enough to share a bit more with us about her own personal decaf coffee journey and the tremendous impact it has had on her life.


EQ: What does coffee mean to you?

NC: I have loved coffee since I was in college. It’s been a staple in my life. It is so much more than a warm drink… it’s a part of my morning ritual which includes meditation, reflection and inquiry.


EQ: Tell us a bit about why you love decaf in particular!

NC: I sleep better! The switch from caffeinated to decaf took a few weeks of getting used to, but now I love it. Decaf allows me to have the same delicious cup of coffee, but I wake more naturally with the rhythm of nature. I wake slower, but it feels more aligned for my body.

I sip my decaf while meditating every morning. Those two things go well together!

Equator decaf is a perfect fit for my body, mind and sprit. The body feels great (good sleep), the mind wakes naturally (vs. jump started with caffeine), and the spirit feels grateful to have the yummy coffee drink without the side effects that were impacting my sleep. Decaf aligns with my holistic approach to well-being, as a 48 year old woman in “the transition.” 


Nicki Clark | My Equator Decaf Story | Marin Surfing | Equator CoffeesIn addition to surfing, Nicki has a passion for snowboarding, mountain biking, and meditation.


EQ: How has switching to decaf impacted your well-being?

NC: Switching to decaf has significantly improved my sleep! As a 48 year old woman, my body is in a transitional time. I started to notice hot flashes were waking me up in the night. My doctor suggested cutting out caffeine, but the thought of it was crazy-making for me.

I couldn’t imagine my life without coffee! But being sleep deprived, everything was beginning to suffer. My immune system was not optimal, my workouts and surf sessions were less energized and my moods were not great. All because my sleep and the hot flashes.

Now that I’m drinking decaf, my sleep has significantly improved. This has led me to being able to push myself harder at the gym in my training, which is paying off in my surf sessions. Better sleep equals higher performance as an athlete and coach for others.



EQ: Do you have any Decaf favorites at Equator?

NC: I like them all, but my go-to is the Decaf Shakeout!


Follow Marin Outdoor Adventure (@marinoutdooradventure) on Instagram to see Nicki and her students in action!